Altar Guild

Chair: Betty Harris

The Altar Guild consists of members who prepare the altar for services at All Saints’. We arrange flowers, fill candles, set up for Holy Eucharist, clean up afterwards, care for linens, and assist with special services such as funerals/memorial services and weddings. We maintain the objects used during worship, polishing brass and silver on a regular basis. Please consider joining us in our “behind-the-scenes” ministry by contacting Betty Harris .

Ordering flowers for the Altar at All Saints Episcopal Church

1. You may now call the Parish Office (252-537-3610) to order flowers for the altar.***You can now order your altar flowers through this website. Simply fill out the form located under the "forms" tab at the top of the website. Take a moment and review the information below before sending your request.

Orders for an upcoming Sunday have to be placed by 12:00 PM on Wednesday in order for us to contact Always in Bloom in Roanoke Rapids and get the information into the bulletins.

2. Consider giving flowers in memory or in honor of a loved one, in thanksgiving, or to remember one of All Saints’ own “Saints” who may not have family members still active in our church to recall their contributions.

3. The florist will choose the flowers for the arrangements based on cost. Currently, the cost for altar flowers is $40 per arrangement  ($80 total). If folks are interested in sharing the cost, please have one person act as the contact person, gather the information for all parties involved, and relay the information to All Saints Parish Office.

*Note – special requests will be shared, but keep in mind that customized arrangements are usually priced higher and may require flowers to be ordered directly by the person making the request. Deadlines still apply.*

4.   Once the request is made to the office please send payment. Checks are to be made to All Saints Episcopal Church and dropped in the collection plate or mailed to 635 Hamilton Street, Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870.

*** Payment can now also be made through our Paypal account here on our on our website! We ask that you follow the above procedure before you make payment to be sure that the date you are requesting is available!***